Portland, ME


how does blue feel?

dance piece dry dirt

spit and yell like you just ate old, dry dirt and cry because you can't stop eating it.

big kids

hello world, we'll breathe once you forget our names. hahahah.
Sweet people, keep doing what you are doing. In time, you shall find happiness. -Anthony & 2 bigKIDDS


Hello. I am a normal girl. I am on this computer, supposed to be sharing some thing. But what can I share? I am not a genius. I am not brilliant. I am just a girl. I wanted to share something profound. But things that are profound are overrated, and put other down. So I am telling you this, not to be profound, not to be amazing, just to share something with the world.

Glory. We all strive for glory. For honor. For valor. But how does the human race achieve that? We win glory, honor, and valor through war. But were is the honor, the glory, the valor in killing other living beings? There is none. No matter how many times we think there is, when you look at it there is nothing good about killing. You might think that there is something heroic in doing bad things for the greater good. But what if you were on the receiving end of that so called justice. For the greater good? And I must die for this thing called the greater good? What kind of person would just die like that. But this idea of winning glory in battles all comes from our ancestors. The nomads and the ancients all believed that there was some kind of terrible goodness in fighting for the right cause. But I think that their idea is skewered and should be revised. But how do you go about changing this ingrained tradition, stemming all the way back to our ancestors?

This is only my ideas and I don’t mean to force them on anyone. But maybe you agree and maybe you disagree. I have no idea. I only wish that you take my ideas and use them in your own way. For what good is ideas if you never share them.


face paint credit to william hessian


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